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"Hear therefore, O Israel, and be careful to do them, that it may go well with you, and that you may multiply greatly, as the Lord, the God of your fathers, has promised you, in a land flowing with milk and honey".  Deuteronomy 6:3


The new Emerald Prmised Land Grass-fed Collagen has been years in the making! I searched and searched for the correct collagen and nothing was ever good enough for my standards. Then I discovered the incredible benefits of colostrum, and it clicked, I wanted to be the first to market with a Collagen and Colostrum BLEND, then soon after I found the collagen I was looking for, Kosher, from 100% pasture-raised cows from South American farmers. Totally Father's perfect timing!


I then went on the hunt for the perfect daily probiotic with the benefit of weight management to add to the blend and discovered the plant based L.Plantarum and was blown away by all it's goodness! (This first run label says "bovine sourced" but that is an error. I had bovines on the mind at the time I was creating it. Ha! So just know, the probiotic is plant sourced and I will correct the labels for the next packaging order!)



Servings Per Bag-30


Serving Size 16g (About two heaping Tablespoons, OR 1 wooden Emerald scoop! Get tge scoop FREE with every Pre-order!)


Each 16g spoonful contains approximately 14g collagen, 2g colostrum, and 70 billion CFU of L. Plantarum probiotics.


Just stir into any *warm or cold beverage!

*The Probiotics start to die off at 149 degrees, so a good rule of thumb is no hotter than a baby's bottle!)






Skin Health:

Collagen is a key component of our skin, especially in our YOUTH! As people age, their bodies produce less of it. Collagen drinks have been shown to improve skin hydration, elasticity, and the appearance of wrinkles.


Joint Pain:

Collagen supplements may help reduce joint pain and improve symptoms of osteoarthritis.


Bone Health:

Collagen drinks may help increase bone density and strength, which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.



Drinking Collagen helps to reline the gut and may help with digestion and maintaining gut health. 



Bovine colostrum is the milk that comes from cows the first few days after giving birth. It contains many nutrients and proteins called antibodies. Antibody levels in bovine colostrum are shown to be up to 100 times higher than levels in regular cow's milk! 


Here are the variety of naturally occuring nutrients that Bovine Colostrum Contains:


  • Proteins: High-quality proteins, including immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM) which play a crucial role in immune function.
  • Carbohydrates: Mainly lactose, providing energy.
  • Fats: Essential fatty acids for brain development and energy.
  • Vitamins: High levels of vitamins A, B, C, E, and K.
  • Minerals: Including calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
  • Growth Factors: Such as insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1 and IGF-2) and transforming growth factors (TGF-alpha and TGF-beta), which aid in tissue repair and growth.

Enzymes and Hormones: Supporting digestion and metabolic processes.

Some of the incredible benefits include:

  • May improve Cognitive Function
  • May fight infection
  • May aid in wound healing
  • May reduce inflammation
  • May prevent diarreah
  • May enhance nutrient absorption
  • May promote bone health
  • May regulate blood sugar
  • May support respiratory health
  • May increase youthful appearance and fight against aging
  • May aid in gut health and digestion
  • May increase immunity



Gut health: L. plantarum may help with digestion, reduce inflammation, and protect the gut membrane. It may also help with inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's disease, colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which is GREAT NEWS! 

Immune response: L. plantarum may help boost the immune response by producing bacteriocins, which are proteins that inhibit bacterial growth. 

Blood sugar: L. plantarum may help manage blood sugar in people with diabetes, and those looking to balance cortisol and lose weight.

Blood pressure: Studies suggest that L. plantarum may help reduce blood pressure. 

Depression: L. plantarum may help reduce depression by reducing brain inflammation, which can lead to brain cell death, mood disorders and more. 

Sleep quality: Gut health has been linked to sleep patterns, and studies have shown poor microbiome in those with sleep difficulties. L. plantarum may help improve sleep quality as it helps overcome poor gut microbiome.

Pregnancy: L. plantarum can be beneficial during pregnancy because it can help protect the mother and baby from pathogens, as well as help keep the immune system strong.

Neurobehavioral disorders: L. plantarum may help children with neurobehavioral disorders like autism and ADHD by relieving digestive issues. 

Anticancer: L. plantarum may have anticancer effects by increasing the death of cancer cells and reversing altered metabolism. 


(These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. No information provided is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.)


Expected to start shipping the second week on November

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