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Latin name: Citrus limonum
Country of origin: Italy
Part of the plant: Rinds
Obtained by: Cold pressed
Main biochemical components*: Limonene, beta-pinene, gamma-terpinene
Properties: Antibacterial, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antidepressant, antifungal, diuretic, insecticide, tonic.


Why Use

Physical uses: Infections (bacterial, fungal, viral), sinusitis, colds, flu, sore throat, poor circulation, immune support.

Skin care uses: Congested skin, oily skin, blemishes, minor skin infections (bacterial, fungal, viral), imbalanced oil production, warts, skin tonic.

Psychological uses: Mental fog, mental clarity, mild depression.


Subtle uses: Promotes mental clarity and objectivity.


Notes: Use Lemon in a 1-5% dilution. Do not use directly on the skin when you are going to be in the sun.


*Chemical components: Chemical component percentages may vary. Emerald Oils offers a Certificate of Analysis for review.


Lemon is a favorite for most essential oil using households I know! When you need "Bright and Clean",  for your mood, your kitchen and more, reach for the LEMON essential oil and you won't be disappointed. 


Methods of Use


Aromatherapy: The use of natural, aromatic substances, known as essential oils, have been proven to directly connect to the amygdala and the lymbic system in the brain where the seat of emotions is, as well as enter the blood stream just through smelling., offering mental, emotional and physical healing support. Our Creater YAHWEH is amazing in all His ways!  Dry Inhalation: Put 1-3 drops of essential oil on a tissue and inhale the aroma through your nose. Pause and inhale again. (Avoid touching your nose with the tissue.) OR, dilute with carrier oil and rub into your hands like lotion then cup your hands over your nose and mouth and breathe deeply through your nose, hold for 7 seconds, exhale and repeat. 


Bath: Mix 4-8 drops of essential oil in 1 teaspoon of carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil. (You can also add the essential oil to 1/2 cup of whole milk or heavy cream.) Set aside. If you have muscle aches, add 1-2 cups Epsom or Dead sea salts. Fill the tub with warm water and immerse yourself. Add the essential oil mixture and swirl the water around you. Massage your skin and breathe in the aroma. Remain in the tub for 10-15 minutes.


Bath, Foot: Mix 1-3 drops of essential oil in 1/2 teaspoon of carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil. Set aside. Fill a tub (deep enough to cover your feet and ankles) with warm water. Add the essential oil mixture, stir well, and immerse your feet for 10-15 minutes. Breathe in the aroma and massage your feet.


Chest Rub: Mix 5-15 drops of essential oil in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil or fragrance-free, natural lotion, apply to upper chest and upper back.


Compress: Fill a basin with water. (Warm water relaxes and increases circulation. Cool water invigorates and relieves inflammation.) Add 3-5 drops of essential oil and briskly stir. Lay in a washcloth, wring, and apply to the area in need for approximately 1-5 minutes. Dip, wri