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"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."

Psalm 139:14


Emerald Oils Braniac blend was created to nourish your brain and improve overall nervous system health as well as help clear brain fog, improve focus, uplift your mood, calmly increase energy levels and allow you to fully concentrate on the task at hand.


Controlled clinical tests have even shown improvement in the cognitive function of alzheimer patients and up to 100% improvement of focus in children with ADHD when using even just one of these oils for aromatherapy. I am so excited about this synergistic blend and can't wait to hear your reviews. The goal is long term improvement and healing, not just momentary results, but my prayer is that you experience both.


This blend comes undiluted in a 10ML glass bottle, OR in an 8ml Gold Roller ready to use in organic fractionated coconut oil.


The following essential oils in Braniac are listed in alphabetical order. The therapeutic uses that are listed for each essential oil are those that are relevant to the purpose of this particular blend.


Frankincense: Nervous system health, low brain oxygen, memory


Jasmine: Anxiety, depression, nervous tension, cognitive performance, concentration, alertness, low energy


Melissa: Mental Fatigue, concentration, mental focus, memory function, stress, downed moods

Orange, Sweet: Mental fatigue, mild depression.

Peppermint: Physical and mental fatigue, mental fog, mild depression.

Rosemary, ct. cineole: Physical and mental fatigue, mental fog, mild depression.

Vetiver: ADHD, ADD, impatience, nervous sustem health, low energy


Methods of Use:


Aromatherapy: The use of natural, aromatic substances, known as essential oils, have been proven to directly connect to the amygdala and the lymbic system in the brain where the seat of emotions is, as well as enter the blood stream just through smelling, offering mental, emotional and physical healing support. Our Creater YAHWEH is amazing in all His ways! Dry Inhalation: Put 1-3 drops of essential oil on a tissue and inhale the aroma through your nose. Pause and inhale again. (Avoid touching your