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Sherri Ohler

How to Make Perfect Purim Hamantaschen (Regular, or Gluten Free!)

These little three pointed "Haman's Ear" cookies, called "Hamantaschen" are the perfect tool to teach children about how the Lord used Queen Esther to save His people from the plans of the enemy. Without this part of history as told in the book of Esther, our Messiah Jesus would not have had a Hebrew bloodline to come from!

Although Purim, the celebration of victory over the evil plans of Haman, and of Queen Esther's bravery in saving YHWH's people, isn't a feast day in the law, it is a day of celebration nonetheless. I will be taking these cookies, along with a few bible gifts to Ella and Zoey to celebrate this week. What an awesome opportunity to teach them that Father has plans for their lives as well, and that they too were created "for such a time as this!"

I'll also be reading them one of their favorite pciture story books, Esther and the Very Brave Plan, which you can download as an ebook instantly from Amazon. I chose to fill the cookies with my Rosemary Fig Jam that I made yesterday and oh my goodness! A hint of orange in the salty/sweet buttery dough, the slightest subtlty of rosemary, and a burst of juicy fig with each bite! They truly are PERFECT! I hope you and your family enjoy them as much as we do!

For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Esther 4:14


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I live in the pursuit of biblical freedom and abundance in Yeshua and desire to teach others to do the same, in every way.  Natural medicine is biblical medicine so you will find answers to heal your body naturally & supernaturally within these pages. Also look for inspiration on entrepreneurship, spiritual warfare, beautiful food, family and so much more. Make yourself at home, friends!


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