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Sherri Ohler


DUSTIN NEMOS: The END TIMES WAR from the Beginning to RIGHT NOW: The Players and Plan Revealed from Genesis to Revelation

DUSTIN NEMOS: The END TIMES WAR from the Beginning to RIGHT NOW: The Players and Plan Revealed from Genesis to Revelation

It's always a really good idea to PRAY before listening to anyone teach on scripture, end times, or anything else-but in this case I believe it is of utmost importance! Be ready to be shaken, challenged, outraged, and ultimately enlightened to all that is going on around us, and how the 6000 year war against the darkness that's hiding in plain sight, is about to come to an end with our Messiah, Jesus Christ vanquishing the enemy for good, and making everything right once again. HALLELUYAH!

Dustin Nemos, devoted husband and father of four, and lifelong atheist who met Jesus while seeking to uncover answers to his biblical challenges that no pastor could answer, is demonstrably one of the most censored names in US independent media.

In this episode, and his ongoing ministry, he draws back the curtain to show us the Agenda behind the Agenda, and what is coming soon for us all.

It is such a HUGE blessing to have had him take the time to share his anointing for end times truth, and his heart with us here at the Rev 4! If you find that this episode opened your eyes or blessed you in any way, please consider donating to his mission. This is how he supports his family and "they" have made it very difficult for him to make income through the normal online channels.

DISCLOSURE: Dustin and I disagree on the topic of Christmas. My sources, found on the Rev 4:3 episode titled, "The Christmas Answer" from last year, show evidence that it was the early disciples of Jesus that started celebrating His birth in December as early as the second century, BEFORE the RCC took over and added all the paganism.

They created an evangelistic tool called Passion Plays that told the gospel story from Genesis to the Resurrection. In their depiction of the Garden of Eden, they decorated trees in the telling of the story of JESUS.

Everyone needs to prayerfully work out their own salvation with fear and trembling, and the topic of Christmas is no different. God bless you as you seek His truth.


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I live in the pursuit of biblical freedom and abundance in Yeshua and desire to teach others to do the same, in every way.  Natural medicine is biblical medicine so you will find answers to heal your body naturally & supernaturally within these pages. Also look for inspiration on entrepreneurship, spiritual warfare, beautiful food, family and so much more. Make yourself at home, friends!


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