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Sherri Ohler

Love Language Chocolate Cake

Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. James 5:14-15

Love Language Chocolate Cake

This cake is the real deal! I didn't hold back anything. I didn't use whole grain and maple syrup like I do in so many recipes, nope. This one calls for all purpose flour, and real sugar! Randy slipped on a boat ramp the other day and badly brusied the bones in his back and rib cage

Love Language Chocolate Cake recipe

so between anointing him with castor and essential oil packs while praying (see what oils I chose for this below), and heating up a rice sock for him to wear as he works, I am also feeding him CHOCOLATE CAKE, because food is my (his too!) love language! It's my go-to tool to help when people are struggling. I would imgaine you're much the same and this cake just screams, "I love you and want you to feel better!"

My Love Language Chocolate Cake is quick and easy to make, and oh-so delectable. Hitting every sweet spot that chocolate lovers everywhere will adore. From the super tall dark rich cake (that would even be great on its own with a sprinkling of powdered sugar!) To the creamy, fluffy, perfectly sweet buttercream that's double the amount usually found on cake-it's just what the naturopath ordered.

You will find both recipes for the healing Castor pack and the Chocolate Cake below! Enjoy! (And please watch out for slippery boat ramps, this cake wound't ship well. Lol)


Castor oil healing pack

To make the castor oil pack mix 1/2 cup of the New Emerald Organic Castor Oil, with 15 drops each of, Yarrow Blue (or 30 drops of the blue dilute), Eucalyptus Radiata, Clove Bud, Black Pepper, Cellulite Smoothie, Miracle, Black Pepper, Cinnamon Leaf, Peppermint, and Helichrysum. This synergistic blend covers everything from pain and inflammation, to muscle relaxation with healing and cell regeneration for brusing and bones. Praise Jesus! He has given us ALL WE NEED to heal!

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I live in the pursuit of biblical freedom and abundance in Yeshua and desire to teach others to do the same, in every way.  Natural medicine is biblical medicine so you will find answers to heal your body naturally & supernaturally within these pages. Also look for inspiration on entrepreneurship, spiritual warfare, beautiful food, family and so much more. Make yourself at home, friends!


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