7 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating an Apple A Day
The Welsh had it right!
We've all heard the Welsh saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." An extensive research shows that they were definitely onto something!
Lately fruits like apples have gotten a bad rap because of their sugar content and higher carb count than most veggies, but we should be looking a little deeper. The complex makeup of an apple, or any other fruit, is such that it all works together to nourish, heal and strengthen our body. Just as the Creator intended.
Dr. Axe has a great article that delves into the science behind why apples are so amazing and why you should include them in your daily diet. He said it best so I don't feel the need to repeat it all here! You can check it out here if you like.
Fried Apple Hand Pies
And while eating them raw with the peel on is the absolute best way to eat an apple, it's okay to splurge once in awhile like in my Salted Honey Fried Apple Hand Pies I made with my granddaughter! (Just don't tell Dr, Axe. Haha!)
"Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest, So is my beloved among the young men In his shade I took great delight and sat down, And his fruit was sweet to my taste." Song of Solomon 2:3