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Sherri Ohler

All the Single Ladies Put Your Hands Up!

One of my favorite things when I was single and waiting for a husband, was to hear stories of God's faithfulness in bringing couple together. It gave me hope and made me want to never settle for less that God's best. In the end, I am so glad I did not settle, and really want to pass on that same hope to singles everywhere. This is the first of the many short posts that will tell my story, which, if I do say so myself, is my favorite love story ever...


My ring fits perfectly, and if you look closely, you can even see a little heart under the diamond setting. Swoon!

On New Years Eve of 2001 as I was alone on my knees praying at midnight, I started saying "God, fill me with such a desire for you, that I no longer want a husband, that the thought of one would seem like a distraction." Immediately my mind and heart objected to what my spirit and mouth was praying! I had a moment of 'did I really just say that?', before continuing the prayer in faith. After that I quit actively searching, which meant removing myself from dating sites for awhile. (I attended a very small church and painted murals, alone, in married couple houses for a living. My only hope of meeting people was the internet. Don't judge me-haha.)

About a year or so later I felt that the Lord released me to start searching again but knew that He was telling me that I would have to choose to be 'obedient' to His choice for me. I even journaled about it the day He told me that. It scared me. I wondered if that meant that I wouldn't want to marry God's choice for me? I thought maybe he would be ugly or old or something? (LOL-seriously that was my fear! But I now realize that "Who among you when your child asks for a fish would give him a snake....?" Matthew 7:10 (Not that I was asking for any kind of reptile for a husband, but you get the point.)

I waited with this word for about three years or so before signing up on Christian Mingle...again.

As a single mom I really didn't get too much alone time, in fact, almost none, but one Sunday afternoon I found myself with total free time until late at night as both of my girls were away for the whole day. I had started a mural in my kitchen and thought it was a great time to just put on worship and get to work.

About two weeks prior I had met a nice man from Tennessee on the Christian dating site, and was growing more and more curious about him. We had talked for hours on the phone and wondered if the Lord would someday give us the go ahead to meet, and if so, what a long distance relationship would mean for us both. As I painted and worshiped, I thought a lot about him and looked forward to talking with him later.

After a couple hours of painting I was tired and wanted to be done, but the spirit of worship was sweet and I didn't want it to end! I left the music on as I cleaned up and then sat on the couch to continue in His beautiful presence while singing along. What felt like 30 seconds later I was sleeping and dreaming...

The man I had been talking to was proposing with a beautiful yet misshapen ring. As he tried to put it on my finger it wouldn't budge because it was square. No matter which way he turned it, he couldn't get it to slip onto my finger. In my frustration I said "Just let me try!" And I shoved and turned and shoved some more until I was able to force it to fit. Then proclaimed as I held it up with satisfaction, "See, it works!"

I was awakened immediately and heard the Lord say, "You can MAKE this work, but it is not my first choice for you." I felt disappointed for sure, but knew what I had to do. I called my friend in Tennessee and relayed the dream to him but said nothing else. His response? "Oh boy. Okay, sigh, then we need to say goodbye. God bless you sister." And that was that. We never talked again.

I am SO very grateful for that man. He was a pray-er and worshiper and just as in love with Jesus as I was. That is so important. I had been looking on and off for a Christian man for about five years at that point (and any good man for a lot longer!) and it probably wouldn't have taken much for him to talk me out of believing that the dream meant what I knew it meant, but he didn't. He treated me like a sister and said goodbye. I didn't even need to explain the dream to him, he just knew, as I did.

Little did I know at the time, God's choice for me was just a few days away. (Does anybody else wonder what might have happened had I ignored that dream from the Lord? YIKES!)


All the single ladies, put your hands up to the one who made your heart. He also formed His perfect choice for you and the only way to find them is to actively seek Jesus and his Kingdom first, and to get to know His voice so you can hear him clearly when He guides you.

Come back for the next part of our story soon, and before you go, I'd like to pray for you....

Heavenly Father, I come before your throne as our King and ask for your supernatural hope, patience and endurance to fill up the heart of each single person reading this today. You know their deepest needs and desires and already had a plan for them before they were born. I believe if they are wanting a spouse, that according to many promises in your Holy Word you will give them one. Show them where you say that so that they can bear the shield of faith and extinguish all the fiery arrows of doubt from the enemy. Draw them each into such a burning desire for You, that a spouse would seem as a distraction until your perfect timing brings their marriage to fruition. Teach them to seek first your Kingdom, so that you can pour out all blessings on their world as they wait on You. In Jesus holy, passionate name, Amen.

Read Part II here!

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I live in the pursuit of biblical freedom and abundance in Yeshua and desire to teach others to do the same, in every way.  Natural medicine is biblical medicine so you will find answers to heal your body naturally & supernaturally within these pages. Also look for inspiration on entrepreneurship, spiritual warfare, beautiful food, family and so much more. Make yourself at home, friends!


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