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The Emerald Place Dream


After about a decade of leading Women's Healing/Freedom Retreats throughout the country through my business and ministry Emerald Glory Wellness, Father has prompted us to start praying for a home base. A YHWH-built, Yeshua glorifying, Holy Spirit-filled retreat center where we can invite people to gather to encounter Yeshua unto full victory in their lives. (Please visit to see photos of one of the properties we are praying about, past retreat testimonies, and more!)



We don't accomplish our Kingdom work alone, but rather invite other strong believers and anointed leaders to minister and teach alongside us to set as many captives free in Jesus as possible! I have worked with some of my ministry partners for many years.


Emerald Place will host many events for many types of believers! From freedom retreats to holy day convocations, to bible studies, worship nights, prayer meetings, and more. 



In my years leading these retreats I have seen countless baptisms, healings, and deliverances, but the thing that I hear most often is how people felt SO LOVED for the first time in their lives. They come to encounter the love of the Father through Messiah, and they leave FOREVER changed into His likeness, ready to help set others free.


Having a center of our own would save overall costs, allowing us to offer more and more scholarships and lower ticket costs overall for attendees who would otherwise not be able to afford to attend. (Currently, we try to offer at least one scholarship for each retreat of 12-18 guests.)


Having a retreat space of our own would also allow us to go from hosting 2-3 events per year, to 4-6 or more, enabling even more people to be set free in Jesus!



My (Sherri) experience is in inner healing, deliverance, bible teaching, end times, biblical medicine, and more, and my mission is to put all the tools that Messiah gave us to overcome the enemy, into the hands of as many believers as possible!

Randy and I have also led a Bible study each Shabbat for the last 3-4 years online, as well as gathering believers for the Feast of Tabernacles each year, and are so excited to create a home base for both and so much more!



We are looking for a property that has the space to build out at least 5-8 additional bedrooms, with space for seating at least 20 comfortably around a huge dining table, as well as a beautiful worship gathering space, acreage for tent, and RV sites, a workshop for mentorship and classes, a living water pond and saltwater hot tub for baptisms, garden and foraging areas and more.


We are searching in rural Illinois about an hour or so Northwest of Chicago for proximity to the airports, and plan to live on site. We have a property currently in mind depending on the timeline that the funding becomes available.



We estimate that the property, repairs, buildouts, furnishings, etc. will cost around $500,000 and are prepared to invest about $200,000-$250,000 of our own funds/financing to launch, in addition to any ongoing extras as we gather God's people for freedom in the years to come.



We plan to host paid and free events year-round as the Father leads, and to make our home available for free for missionaries and ministers to come be refreshed as they travel as well. We praise Jesus for your consideration and are here to answer any questions!



A $25,000 or more donation earns you one free spot at every retreat or event you like starting in 2026 for as long as we are still hosting. (A $1300 value per retreat.) The donor may choose to send someone in their place at each retreat. 

If you would like to purchase an advance ticket to a 2026 women's retreat at Emerald Place for $1300 as your donation, please contact me before donating so we can work out the details!



May YHWH bless you in all you put your hand to.

Peace, joy, & healing,

Randy and Sherri Ohler 

"Words can’t describe what I experienced this last Weekend.
I have been to other women’s retreats and have gone through different healings and ministries, but this was not like any other! This was a holy time, completely set aside. Sherri @emeraldglory_wellness is absolutely the real deal and just meeting her and watching her humility brought such deep healing to my heart. The fruit in her, and friendship and love with her team is exactly how God has called us to operate with one another. Not only did I receive a deeper level of freedom but a greater understanding of my identity.

We studied biblical oils and healing. We foraged for herbs and made tinctures. All the women that I met were so amazing and full of love. I’m excited to see where the paths lead us." 
Hadas Retreat, June 2024  ~Nerisa, @belovedlittlefarm,

Meet Randy & Sherri

Randy and Sherri Ohler_edited.jpg

Randy and Sherri married in July of 2005 on the hottest day of the year, and Holy Spirit has been starting fires in and around them ever since!


Randy is a gifted intercessor, and financial backer for the ministry the Lord has given Sherri within Emerald, and has led online bible studies each Shabbat for the last four years. Randy flows in the anointing of discerning of spirits and brings beautiful balance, and wisdom to his often spontaneous wife!


Sherri is a certified Herbalist who longs to see all break away from the Babylon system in order to walk free in Messiah in every way. With Randy's full support, she has been leading International missions since 2016, and women's retreats since 2017, with a focus on covert spiritual warfare through territorial repentance, inner healing, and deliverance. She is the author of four books, with a fifth in the works on the topic of all the goodness YHWH has given us for full healing in His word and Creation.


Sherri and Randy pray for nothing more than to be used by the Father to set the captives free, to carry His glory to the hurting and lost, and to see their three beautiful daughters and two wonderful grandaughters doing the same. HalleluYah!


Isaiah 60:1-2

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