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TEA is an infusion made only with leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant. Which is a species of evergreen shrub or small tree in the flowering plant family Theaceae, which is where we get the name “TEA”, or Thé in French.


The different teas- Black, White, Green, Yellow, Pu-erh, Purple, Oolong, and Matcha-are all from the SAME PLANT-Camellia sinensis, but differ in the timing and way they are grown, harvested, dried, fermented, oxidized, processed, stored, and served. Any other plant material that is steeped, is considered a tisane or herbal infusion.



The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains,
The world, and those who dwell in it.

Psalm 21:4


Each beautiful, reusable canister contains 30 servings of Chai.

Immunity and Defense in a CHAI?


Chai lattes are my FAVORITE afternoon treat. I save my orange peels so I can add them to my chai all Winter, not only is the flavor of the warm spices enhanced by the lovely citrus, but the anti-inflammatory and immunity benefits from the dried orange peel are unmatched! So when it was time to create an Emerald chai blend for YOU I based it on the one I make from scratch at home! And of course, I made it with immunity-boosting ingredients like orange and shiitake mushrooms to help you and your family fight all the yuck that's going around! 


The Emerald Organic White Chaitake Defense is a perfectly balanced LOW-CAFFEINE blend of mild flavored white peony tea, beautifully bold chai spices, hints of orange,  and real, organic maple sugar crystals for subtly sweet chai at home. Make it as a latte with milk like the original Indian chai, or an English-style hot cuppa by steeping it in boiling water. Either way- you will go back again and again! 

This Emerald proprietary blend is an all-over WELLNESS POWERHOUSE! The ingredients in the White Chaitake Defense have been shown to

-help fight cancers

-lower inflammation

-lower blood pressure

-aid in heart health

-boost immunity

-increase metabolism

-strengthen bones

-aid digestion, and more!


See the full ingredient list in the Additional Info Section.

White Chaitake Defense Wellness Tea

$38.00 Regular Price
$19.00Sale Price
  • Organic Black Pepper: Black Pepper makes every other herb and spice more bioavailable, meaning when we take it with our supplements, food, or tea, our body aborbs all the nutrients and benefits of everything else to a much greater degree. Amazing! It's like YHWH's helper herb to make sure we are absorbing His goodness in everything good thing we eat or drink.


    Organic Cardamom: Cardamom is a super- antioxidant with anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, cholesterol-lowering, and blood sugar–lowering effects! What an incredible, heart healthy gift from the Father!

    Organic Ceylon Cinnamon: Ceylon cinnamon is high in antioxidants that help your body handle free radicals and lowers your risk of  cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Ceylon cinnamon is also rich in the mineral manganese which helps body manage the enzymes that produce hormones and help repair your bones!


    Organic Clove: Cloves are very high in the compound eugenol, which has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antioxidant, and pain-relieving properties!


    Organic Ginger Root: Ginger root has too many health benefits to count! It is anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxodant, anti-nausea and more, but it was chosen for this blend due to its classic chai flavor and its bioavalability-in other words, its ability to help you absorb more nutrients from the other powerful herbs in this blend.


    Organic Maple Syrup Crystals: Pure maple syrup contains up to 24 different antioxidants. These antioxidants, in the form of phenolic compounds, are beneficial for reducing free radical damage that can cause inflammation and contribute to the formation of various chronic diseases. Plus, it has a lower glycemic index that most other sugars!


    Organic Orange Peel: Huge amounts of flavonoid hesperidin present in orange peels have shown to maintain blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Orange peels are also an anti-inflammatory agent which helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.


    The huge quantities of vitamin C in orange peels help to dilate the bronchial tubes to loosen and expel phlegm, and ease chest congestion. Natural Vitamin C, (NOT the synthetic versions found in most supplements), also  combats detrimental toxins from oxidising healthy cells, triggers immunity and helps prevent infections, colds, and flus.


    Organic Shiitake Mushrooms: Besides being another powerful anti-inflammatory in this blend, Shiitake are rich in polysaccharides like lentinans and other beta-glucans. These compounds protect against cell damage, help your immune system, and boost white blood cell production for fighting off viral and bacterial infections. 


    Organic Star Anise: Star Anise has been shown to be effective against multiple drug-resistant pathogenic bacteria. Some of the major health-promoting compounds found in Star Anise include Linalool, Quercetin, Anethole, Shikimic acid, Gallic acid, and Limonene-these compounds contribute to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and antimicrobial properties of Star Anise.


    Organic White Peony Tea: White Peony Tea or Bai Mu Dan tea is amazing for fighting certain cancers, aiding weight loss, improving heart health, high blood pressure, and oral health, and has antioxidant properties that can boost your immune system!


    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

  • For a Chai Latte-steep 1t (more if you like stronger!) of Chai in 1/4 c of 170 degree water for 3 minutes, top with hot, frothed milk, or pour over ice and top with milk for an iced Chai latte.


    For English style tea- steep 1t of Chai in 8oz of 170 degree water for 3 minutes.

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